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Sofol-ийн хийж байгаа зүйл бол хэрэглэгчдэд хэмнэлттэй, тохиромжтой үйлдвэрлэлийн шугамыг тохируулах, брэндийн үнэ цэнийг бий болгох явдал юм.
Zenit 3M Specifications. Zenit 3M 35 mm SLR camera. Cloth focal plane shutter. Shutter speeds 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500 + bulb. Soligor 35 mm f/3.5 prime lens. Pre-Set aperture settings up to f/22. Automatic frame counter with manual set. Mechanical self-timer with separate trigger button.
⌚푭푶푹푺푰푵푰푵푮 брэндийн #МЕХАНИК цаг үнэ: 195.000₮ - Механик хөдөлгүүртэй ( БААДУУ ТҮЛХЭНЭ) - Нэвт харагддаг загвартай - Фосфортож гэрэлтдэг зүүтэй - Тоос болон 3АТМ усны хамгаалалттай - Зурагдахгүй...
Хар модон тоногтой механик чихтэй мэргэжлийн морин хуур Үнэ: 580k. Хар модон тоногтой механик чихтэй мэргэжлийн морин хуур Үнэ: 580k ... Хар модон тоногтой механик чихтэй мэргэжлийн морин хуур ...
Гэр, орон сууц, оффисын хаалганы аюулгүй байдлыг бүрэн шийдэж чадахгүй байна уу? Үнэ: 430.000₮ Ebarimt олгогдоно Төлбөрийн уян хатан нөхцөл Хүргэлт, суурилуулалт үнэгүй ⏳ Баталгаат хугацаа:...
Шилэн кабелийн суурилуулалтын төлбөр Тухайн байршил, техникийн нөхцлөөс хамааран гарах зардлыг тооцно. Урсгалын сарын хураамж /НӨАТ тооцоогүй/ 2mbps – 105 000₮ (УБ хот), 350 000₮(Орон нутаг) 4mbps – 165 000₮ (УБ хот), 650 000₮(Орон ...
Хамгийн их хүлээлттэй байсан MG ZS ахин ирлээ朗Үнэ: 35сая (Механик хроп) Үзүүлэлт: - Урт: 4314мм, өргөн: 1809мм, өндөр: 1624мм - Түлшний савны багтаамж: 48л - 1.5L бензин хөдөлгүүртэй - 5 шатлалт...
By Stepan Ayvazyan Posted on March 29, 2020 Updated on March 21, 2023. Zenit-E is a Soviet SLR camera, developed at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ) and produced in series from 1965 …
Welcome to Zenith Bank Plc. A leading multinational financial service provider based in Nigeria. Its secure and user friendly digital experience on Mobile Banking, Internet Banking and Corporate Internet Banking makes it the preferred Bank for Retail Banking, Personal Banking, SMEs, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking. Other offerings include Credit …
Үнэ: 38,000₮ БУТЛУУРНЫ ДАЙРГА Үнэ: 48,000₮ БАЙГАЛИЙН ЭЛС Үнэ: 48,000₮ УГААСАН ХАЙРГА Үнэ: 58,000₮ УГААСАН ЭЛС/НӨАТтэй дүн/ Үнэ: 58,000₮ Бетон зуурмаг М100 /НӨАТтэй дүн/ Үнэ: 230,000₮ Бетон зуурмаг М150 /НӨАТтэй ...
⌚푭푶푹푺푰푵푰푵푮 брэндийн #МЕХАНИК цаг үнэ: 195.000₮ - Механик хөдөлгүүртэй ( БААДУУ ТҮЛХЭНЭ) - Нэвт харагддаг загвартай - Фосфортож гэрэлтдэг зүүтэй - Тоос болон 3АТМ усны хамгаалалттай - Зурагдахгүй...
Zenit-TTL is a Soviet 35-mm film SLR camera, created at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ) and mass-produced from 1978 to 1985. The Zenit-TTL camera was a further improvement of Zenit-E. The …
Zenit-TTL is a Soviet 35-mm film SLR camera, created at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ) and mass-produced from 1978 to 1985. The Zenit-TTL camera …
KMZ Zenit-E (1965) October 30, 2018 Photography / Reviews. This is a Zenit-E 35mm SLR camera, made by Krasnogorski Mekhanicheskii Zavod (KMZ) in the former Soviet Union between the years of 1965 and 1986. …
The Zenit-KM Plus is younger than Facebook and the Nintendo DS. This family didn't die with the end of the Soviet Union either, In fact, the last of them – a chunky, rounded SLR screaming Eighties design touches – only started production in late 2004. Put it this way: the Zenit-KM Plus is younger than Facebook and the Nintendo DS, despite ...
Get the best deals on Zenit Vintage SLR Camera when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ... Camera Russian Arsenal Zenith 80 Medium Format 6x6 Film Camera 80mm 2.8 Lens. $299.00. or Best Offer. $65.00 shipping. 12 watching. Zenit 3M camera body (M39 SLR …
This is a Zenit-E 35mm SLR camera, made by Krasnogorski Mekhanicheskii Zavod (KMZ) in the former Soviet Union between the years of 1965 and 1986. The …
This is my review of a camera very popular from the late 1960s to the middle 1980s which was the first camera of many enthusiastic photographers, the Zenit E.
The Zenit-EM is a small-format SLR camera manufactured at the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant (KMZ) from 1972 to 1985. In 1988, another batch was released. Zenit …
Produced around 1981 to 1990 by the KMZ/Belomo, the Zenit 11 is 35 mm a full-swing SLR manual camera that lets you choose the aperture and the shutter speed. Hailing all the way from Russia and covered in a rough metal black body, this camera is the last of the true E types. Though it is almost exactly the same as an EM, it has a glossy …
Бинзен механик 2007 2013 онтой зарна солино Дарханд байгаа Үнэ 35-с ярина HUMMER H2 H3 SONIRHOGCHIDIIN GROUP | Бинзен механик 2007 2013 онтой зарна солино Дарханд байгаа Үнэ 35-с ярина
Гадаргуугийн ус зайлуулах хаяавчийг үндсэндээ олон төрөл, олон янзын зориулалтаар хийдэг ч дээрх зурагт үзүүлсэн байдлаар ерөнхийд нь 4 ангилж болно. Бетон хаяавчаар ус зайлуулах. Газар ...
While nothing special in the specs department, and with an 'agricultural' feel light years away from their more finessed Western counterparts, these cut-price Zenits …
Zenit-C Specifications. Type: 35mm SLR camera. Manufacturer: KMZ plant. Production period: from 1955 to 1961. Format: 24x36cm on 135 film. Lens mount: m39 thread mount. Lens: Industar-50 f3.5/50. Viewfinder image field size: 20×28mm. Shutter: focal-plane shutter with speeds from 1/25 to 1/500 sec.
Zenit Specifications. Type: 35mm SLR camera. Manufacturer: KMZ plant. Production period: 1952-1956. Format: 24x36cm on 135 film. Lens mount: m39 thread mount. Lens: Industar-22 f3.5/50. Viewfinder …
Originally posted on my disabled site VintageCameras.info. The Zenit 12XP is an SLR camera made in Russia in the 90s. As all Zenits, like the 122, they are simple machines with a reduced set of features but are remarkably mechanically sturdy.However, those cameras are a bit more complicated to operate than the most popular SLR …
The Zenit 122 has all the usual commands that a typical manual camera of the 60s has. The most important things you are going to use all the time is the shutter speed dial, the aperture ring, the focusing ring, the viewfinder the shutter release button, and the film advance lever. Those are the basic commands for shooting photography.
Zenit-E. Zenit-E is the most popular SLR camera produced in the Soviet Union. The camera differs from the Zenit-3M by the presence of an automatically lowering mirror and a selenium light meter. …
3. Бага үнэ бүхий дээжийн төлбөрийг үнэ төлбөргүй авах боломжтой боловч ачаагаа та өөрөө авах ёстой. бидэнтэй сайн хамтарч ажиллахын тулд холбоо барихыг чин сэтгэлээсээ хүлээж авна уу.
⌚푭푶푹푺푰푵푰푵푮 брэндийн #МЕХАНИК цаг үнэ: 195.000₮ - Механик хөдөлгүүртэй ( БААДУУ ТҮЛХЭНЭ) - Нэвт харагддаг загвартай - Фосфортож гэрэлтдэг зүүтэй - Тоос болон 3АТМ усны хамгаалалттай - Зурагдахгүй...
The Zenit 3 is a 35mm film SLR camera manufactured by Krasnogorsky Mekhanichesky Zavod (KMZ: 'Mechanical Factory of Krasnogorsk') in Moscow, between 1960-62, quantity 81776 copies.Zenit (Зенит = Зенит), means Zenith, a point in the sky that appears directly above the observer.'Zenit 3' is engraved in Cyrillic script on the …
The Zenit E is a Soviet 35mm SLR camera. The first production run took special M39 lenses as prior Zenit models, but all later production runs took the common M42 screw lenses, made from 1965-1968.The Zenit range was quite popular worldwide since it was well-built, if modest in overall specification, and usually priced quite …
No Batteries Required. That Selenium cell is the exposure meter. It's external and requires no power, meaning the Zenit 11 requires no batteries. It sends the exposure reading to a small window on top of the camera. Here, you align a small circle with the meter reading then read the relevant exposure off of the dial surrounding the rewind knob.
⌚푭푶푹푺푰푵푰푵푮 брэндийн #МЕХАНИК хээтэй цаг үнэ: 185.000₮ - Механик хөдөлгүүртэй ( БААДУУ ТҮЛХЭНЭ) - Фосфортож гэрэлтдэг зүүтэй - Тоос болон 3АТМ усны хамгаалалттай - Зурагдахгүй минерал шилтэй - Шахмал...
1)High degree effects predicted from time series of Monthly GRACE solution with 60x60 field, which is ~50% of observed variations from SLR 2) Reported in ITRF2020 solution 3) Estimated from SLR data of 5 satellites along with 5x5 gravity field, is comparable with ITRF2020 solution. Seasonal variations in ranging bias and ∆z,GEfor 7090.